
Work With Me


Our love and connection with the Earth is the most fundamental relationship of all, and as modern humans, we’ve separated ourselves, failing to nurture this bond. I believe that this is at the root of all humanity’s problems, and that once we can come back into union with nature, we can heal ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

My offerings are designed to help you connect back with the natural world and in turn, your own true nature too.

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In-Person Guided Nature Retreats

Nature is the best medicine, always, and specifically for transitional life moments, when you need a reset or a refresh. 

A nature retreat will be particularly supportive for you if you seek:

  • clarity on your next step, personally or professionally 

  • creative inspiration for a new project

  • a health and wellness reset 

  • a break from the stresses of our modern reality

  • letting go of a relationship, toxic situation, or chapter of your life to create space for a new one

  • life celebration like a birthday or anniversary or a life transition like a breakup or death

To determine fit, we’ll have a consultation so I can understand your needs and intentions for a retreat.

From there, I’ll determine what kind of natural environment is best for you. For example, if you need to let go of something, being near a river is a good idea. If you need more grounding and stability, a place near a mountain would be ideal. This is a 2-day journey guided by me, where I’ll customize the programming to create an experience that aligns with your intentions.

There are options to travel to a select location or we can discuss hosting the retreat in a natural environment near you. 


Chrysalis Group Program

Chrysalis is a group experience for women to get guidance, support, and sisterhood as they move through life transitions. In a small group container, we explore new states of being and doing that provide a foundation for navigating big life changes, and we come together as a family to witness one another’s transformations.

Together in sisterhood, we explore questions like “who am I?” “what do I want?” and “how do I move forward?” and look for answers within. Because everything you need is inside! Chrysalis gives you the tools to access what you need, when you need it.

Regenerative Leadership Coaching

As a former teach startup founder, I know very well how to create imbalance by working too much, and in the last few years I’ve developed a way to integrate a healthy relationship with work and life. I am open to supporting business executives, entrepreneurs, and organizational leaders to adopt a new way of operating that creates more resilience for themselves personally, and therefore their businesses too.