
Leadership Coaching

for entrepreneurs and natural leaders


Entrepreneurs like to challenge the status quo. We do what we do because we want to change the way things have been done and create a better world for people. 

But you might find that you fall into some old traps.

  • Do you measure your business success based on how other people see it, instead of how it feels? 

  • Do you want to lead with creativity, innovation and freedom but resort to doing things “the way it’s always been done?” 

  • Do you compare yourself or your business to others’, even though you know deep down there’s no fair comparison?


These are symptoms of an entrepreneur stuck between the old way & the new


The old way of doing business is a rigid system that values profit, control and recognition as top priorities. It leads you to feel stressed, never enough, and pressured to be like everyone else.


The new way is the regenerative way.

A dynamic, fluid business environment that embraces you as a human and encourages you to lead from your heart. The new way aligns with the principles of nature and sees business as a tool for positive transformation.


I help entrepreneurs lead with authenticity, joy and purpose and learn how to reconnect with their true nature as a leader so they can have the biggest possible impact on the world, while staying in their creative flow.

My coaching style provides the bridge to the New Way of entrepreneurship.

I work with people who have these traits:


Holistic Approach.

Believe the old systems of business are limiting and are ready to embrace a new, holistic, expansive way of leading

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World Bridgers.

Build companies that improve the world

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Authentic Visions.

Want to show up in work as their full, authentic selves and believe in collaboration over competition


Purpose Driven.

Are motivated more by purpose than profit (but also believe in the power of money to create change)


Transformative Edge.

Believe business is a catalyst for personal transformation 


Creative Leaders.

Want to embrace their creativity and intuition in a work environment


My coaching style is a mix of personal development and leadership coaching, because they go hand-in-hand.

To develop as a leader, you must be willing to be self-aware about your inner world, and to develop as a person, you must learn to embrace your natural gifts, which is best practiced in a business leadership setting. 


In my coaching, I use deep listening to feel into your current needs and guide you to find answers to your questions.

I believe this is the best way for you to build confidence in yourself as a leader and develop muscle memory to tap into your own genius. To help guide us, I will pull from a toolbox of regenerative leadership techniques and exercises and incorporate insights from my personal experience as an entrepreneur and traveler.