
About Me

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My story begins like many other suburban kids’ in America.

I loved the outdoors: running around the backyard, collecting bugs, biking with my friends. The freedom I felt as a child was a pure and beautiful thing.

Then society’s messages began to creep in. Be a good girl. Get good grades. Go to a good college. Work hard. Make money. Be independent. But not too independent. Don’t do anything too ‘out-there.’ Be successful. Look happy.

I was really good at following the path. Before I knew it, I graduated from Northwestern University and moved to New York City to start a digital media company, Spoon University.


Spoon University

In 2013 I co-founded Spoon University, a digital media network that empowers college students around the world to explore and celebrate food together.



I empowered and trained thousands of students to launch and lead local Spoon chapters at 250+ universities. Student content was viewed by millions of people each month.



Graduated from a top NYC accelerator program; raised VC money; hired and co-led 30 incredible HQ team members; organized food conferences; published a cookbook.



Recognized as Forbes 30 Under 30 in media and JWI Woman to Watch.



After 3.5 years of startup hustle, Spoon was acquired by Food Network parent company Scripps Network Interactive (now Discovery, Inc.). I became a VP of Strategy and Development at a public company at age 25.


I’d made it! Right?!

I checked everything off the list. Business experience, successful acquisition, money in the bank, VP title at a big corporation.

But I felt…numb.

That’s when I realized: I’d been following rules of success that weren’t mine. It turned out that recognition and money weren’t actually deeply satisfying like I’d been led to believe they were.

No wonder I felt disconnected: I didn’t actually know what I wanted. I needed to figure out what life meant to me.

So I left NYC for a solo travel journey through Central and South America to find out.


My journey began in the mountains of Peru.

I lived in the mountains in the Sacred Valley, where I observed how they stood tall, strong, unwavering, every day. They inspired me to find my own inner strength and become a more grounded, trusting and patient person.

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It continued in the valleys and salt flats of Bolivia.

In Bolivia I saw natural beauty that I didn’t know could exist. I learned that anything is possible. It reignited a sense of awe, adventure and childlike wonder.

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My fate was set in the Brazilian Amazon.

It was there that I learned how to be in the right relationship with nature. I discovered that I am part of the ecosystem, not separate from it, and I saw how nature works in wild and magical ways to create balance and beauty. 

Thanks to the forest, I learned that it’s my life’s work to be in service and devotion to Mother Earth.


Join me in bringing nature back into the modern world.

I’m passionate about helping people break free from systems and structures that don’t serve them and rebuild a better way of living that aligns with the principles of nature. I believe this is how we start to create a better world for all. My goal is to help you discover how to work, lead and live in a natural way.


Principles I live by:



Always strive to be the best version of myself. Love and accept my ebbs and flows so I can grow.



See all beings as equal and treat them with respect. This includes mosquitoes and parasites!


Be Generous

Giving feels good and creates more goodness in the world. Be kind and give to others when my cup overflows.


Live in Integrity

Make decisions according to my values and no one else’s. Align my actions with my values.


Take Responsibility

I’m the creator of my reality. My thoughts and beliefs shape my world and my actions have an impact.



Surrender to a greater intelligence and life will flow in magical ways. Stop clinging.


Stay Curious

Keep asking questions and maintain a beginner’s mind. I can learn the most by listening and observing.


Keep it Light

Don’t take things too seriously. Have fun with life. Jump on a trampoline every once in a while. PLAY!
