Moving through transformation, together.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them — that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

— Lao Tzu


You’re being rebirthed.

Life is a series of deaths and rebirths, of shedding skins and emerging into new forms.

Now is one of those times, where humanity is in a collective chrysalis: we’re leaving behind a life we knew and preparing for a better life that we can consciously create.

On an individual level, this can be disorienting. You might be feeling overwhelmed or confused about exactly which next steps to take towards creating a life designed perfectly for you.

It brings up a lot of questions: “who am I?” “what am I doing with my life?” “what is my purpose?” and “how do I move forward?”

This is what we’ll explore in Chrysalis.

Chrysalis is an 8-week small group experience for womxn who are going through personal and/or professional transitions and want guidance and sisterhood to support them in stepping into their new selves.

Now is not the time to make this transition alone -- we need each other.

In this live program, you’ll be held in a safe container -- a chrysalis! -- to explore what lights your soul on fire and develop confidence to step into the new you.


 Where are you now?

Where are you going?

What does your heart desire?

Here is a secret.

It doesn’t matter what you do. It matters how you do it.

During a time of great change, your mind will likely obsess over what do I do?! and you’ll find yourself looking outside for examples of what others are doing to guide you in a direction.

The real trick is to let go of this seeking and searching and drop into the heart to discover how you want to feel and be. When you make that your priority, the doing part unfolds, from a place of joy and inner clarity.

In the first four weeks, we’ll work together to let go of the need to have it figured out what you’re going to do, and you’ll get to practice being yourself. You’ll get in touch with what your heart desires. And you’ll realize that this is the most important thing in life!

Once you embody the way you want to be in this life, the doing part comes naturally. Once you are clear on your desires for how you want to live, you enter the flow of well-being and have the capacity to attract to you all that your heart wants.

Your life begins to unfold in the direction that satisfies your soul.


In 8 weeks together we dive in deep. You can expect to:

  • Uncover different parts of your essence and personality

  • Release old stories and beliefs that are holding you back

  • Practice being instead of doing

  • Develop confidence to express yourself authentically

  • Discover what brings you deep joy and fulfillment

  • Build confidence to take steps towards creating your dream life

  • Be held in community and be part of a collective transformation

  • Find belonging in a close family of sisters and be held and witnessed in your transition



Chrysalis is truly a transformational experience. I left a steady, comfortable job to start my own business and am endlessly grateful for the support of this group during this transition. Mackenzie creates a safe cocoon to explore, reflect and deeply connect. Mackenzie is like a mama bear - fierce, devoted, sensitive, empathetic.  

— Anna

I have not been in touch with myself in the ways that I am today ever in my life and I have Chrysalis to thank for that. I love having this group of women to come together with every week. Knowing that other people are going through transitions helps me feel less alone! I think the program is brilliant and am so thankful for it! 🙏🙏

— Jaimi

Chrysalis has been so great for me. I have been struggling to find a balance with work - it’s very busy and stressful right now - and this workshop is like a safe haven! Helps me formulate my weekends, be more present, and engage and have more social interactions!

— Laura


This program is inspired by my own journey back to myself.

After 5 years of running a company in NYC, I decided to leave everything behind and spent 1.5 years traveling through Central and South America. Through deep healing work and solo adventure, I rediscovered the essence of who I am. This helped me gain clarity and confidence to step into my purpose and direction in life.

This process was not easy or linear in any way (which is part of the beauty of it!), and I experimented, a lot. This program is a culmination of many of the tools and practices that have worked for me. I’m so excited to share them with you so that you too may find your role in the new paradigm.

You should also know that I find this journey of inner exploration and expression to be one of the most thrilling and rewarding things on Earth. What else are we living for if not to discover who we really are and share our gifts with the world?!

Our Flow

We’ll meet together as a group each week for 90 minutes on Zoom where you’ll get content, share reflections, do visualizations and journaling exercises, and connect via your pod. You’ll also receive homework as an additional bonus to deepen your practices each week.


Oneness with Nature

Get back to your roots as a human on this Earth. Practice patience. Develop a connection with the natural rhythms and cycles of our planet.

Release to Receive

Out with the old to prepare for the new. See what you’re holding on to and release what no longer serves you.

Body Awareness & Self-Love

Learn to listen to your body and treat it with the love and care it deserves. Redefine your relationship with food, water, movement, and sleep, so you can purify yourself and be a clear channel for insights and deeper self-connection.


Tap into your feminine side and experience all the pleasure your body craves. Get in touch with your deep desires and learn to move through your emotions to clear the way to get what you want.

Dreams & Visioning

Develop clarity on what’s most important to you and create a vision for your life that you love. Together we deepen our connection to our dreams, share them with each other, and support one another in reaching for them.

Limiting Beliefs & Fears

Identify the old stories and fears that are holding you back from fully stepping into your next chapter. Learn to rewrite these narratives and act from your inner authority.

Authentic Creative Expression

Realize your power as a creator and practice creating art out of life in your authentic expression. Creativity is a muscle that is the key to creating the life you dream of.

Truth & Action

Connect with your heart to own your vision, your truth, and create an action plan for making the full transition into your next phase.

This is subject to change, depending on the needs and flow of the group. I’m committed to sensing into the needs of the group and adapting to serve everyone best.



New Moon Circles

I’ll lead us through 2 New Moon circles to develop rituals together in sisterhood and help you deepen your connection with the lunar cycle.

Guest Speakers

I’ll bring in guest experts and speakers to help you explore new ways of understanding yourself and moving through life. Last time we invited a Diné elder, Enneagram expert, and Human Design expert to join us.


Everyone will be put into a group of 3-4 womxn in a “pod” to build tight-knit bonds and hold each other accountable to the practices and exercises each week.


Join the Next Group

I haven’t set dates for future cohorts yet, but if you’re interested in this program, email me at and maybe it’ll inspire me to start up another group!


More Testimonials:


I am realizing how far I have come since our first call! I have more clarity around what feels good in my body. I have learned how to set my boundaries, listen to myself in deeper ways and explore new modalities!

Kenzie blew me away with her facilitation, her compassion, support and down-to-earth guidance. The group of women she attracted is unbelievable and they will undoubtably be long-term contacts.

Although it seems that I don't know for certain what is to come, I have more faith in myself to choose what feels pleasurable, nourishing, and aligned. What more can you ask for since life is alwaysssss uncertain <3

— Shaina

Chrysalis has given me many gifts, but a few of them are: reconnecting with... nature, my body, my sexuality, my inner guide. 

The practices I learned are all simple yet so powerful. I now have access to these wonderful tools that will continue to help me come home to myself whenever I feel lost. 

I highly recommend this program for anyone in a transition that wants to emerge grounded, reconnected and inspired. I now have a community of badass women to support me on this transition and many more to come! 

— Anna

Chrysalis offered great support to me during a time of much life transition. Mackenzie is a wonderfully calm, creative, grounded and supportive facilitator who truly cares about each person in the group. The tools she provides should be used by anyone at any life phase.  The experience helped me become more aware of what brings me pleasure in life, reframe limiting beliefs on future visions, and be supported by awakened women to live my best life.

— Lisa

Even More Testimonials!


“I learned that a lot of what holds me back is around this idea of not being enough... whether it's "smart enough, good enough, special enough, different enough" I realize these thoughts are consistently holding me back. They prevent me from stepping into my power and from truly having the impact that I want to have.

I also learned that my mind is a beautiful thing. As I continue my practices - journaling, meditating, reflecting, I truly have seen a change in how I operate. I am able to filter through the junk of the thoughts and the anxiety and to start focusing in on what's truly important. It's a beautiful thing to be able to start to embody that change!”

“I am experiencing this shift from being driven from outside demands, to shaping my own life, work, pace and schedule throughout the day and year. It feels revolutionary to think I could wake up without an alarm, spend my mornings on myself and work from a place of my own drive and ambitions entirely. My own creation. That feels extremely liberating!”

“I'm proud of my ability to tap in and listen to my body. It feels so nice to listen and hear that she wants yoga and then to give that to her -- versus feeling like I "should" do yoga or workout. I'm proud that I was able to be more present just generally this week. It felt like I could get more out of life through just being in the moment and paying attention.”

“I learned that my bigger desires are feelings-based. I've been practicing detaching from specific things and instead focus on the end emotion I'm after. There are only a few things that I specifically desire (e.g. a nomad base). But for the most part, I'm after core "feelings" -- ease, fulfillment, purpose, being in service, etc. I now set intentions daily for what core feeling I'm after that day, and I aim to experience that a couple times if not most of the day. If you start to look for it, you notice it, and you experience it. Works not always, but most of the time!”


You in?!

Email me at to reserve your spot.