The Truth About My Voice

I’m ready to get real about what it feels like to me to share.

In my heart I want to be a teacher, a writer, someone who inspires others to see and live life differently. 

But I’ve had this idea in my head that to be a teacher you have to have it all figured out.

I’m realizing that this belief has been holding me back from sharing from my heart and being real with my self expression, because I definitely don’t have it all figured out, and sometimes feel like I need to pretend to to be “worth” listening to. 

I really want to let that go.

Writing this post is part of my process of being open about this feeling and releasing the charge it has on me.

I’m working on retraining my mind to remember the Truth, which is that nobody actually has it figured out.

We are all on our own individual paths, trying to make sense of what it means to be alive, all while spinning on a giant rock that’s hurling itself through space. 

I feel that the reality is that the best teachers are not those who presume to have it figured out, but who instead are real and raw about their own experience and lack of knowledge. The ones who say “I don’t know” when they don’t know. The ones who have the courage to contradict themselves when they get new information, the ones who don’t hold anything too tightly, and those who share/teach/lead with the intention of bringing people together.

This is what I want to embody. 

First, it requires admitting to myself and the world that I do not have it figured out, which is a constant practice. There are times where my ego feels like it does have it figured out, and then I get a nice little slap in the face reminder from the universe to bring me back down to Earth. I’m grateful for these learnings and reminders that I’m still a young baby/student and there’s an infinite well of deep wisdom I do not yet have access to. It keeps me humble, open, curious, and eager to learn more.

And second, I also want to own the fact that I do feel that I have wisdom to share through my reflection of my own life experience. I want to find the way to communicate it humbly to the world because I believe it can be real medicine during these times. Whether it’s through my reflections themselves or just the fact that I’m sharing — maybe it’ll give others permission to do the same. I really want to hear more about what’s on people’s hearts. The world needs more heart medicine. 

So, my intention is to share more of what I’m experiencing in the moment for the joy of self expression and also in case it helps anyone feel less alone. 

I feel in my heart that my experience is not just mine, but one reflection of a greater collective experience we all share as humans. The details of our lives may be different, but the core feelings inside are the same. If I can help be a mirror for others by sharing vulnerably what I’m experiencing, I will be happy. 

There is no shame in anything that we experience. I write this to you and also to myself. It just is what it is.

The more we share, the more we connect, the more we accept, the more we heal.

I want my words to help unite people during this time of great division. I want to hold the light for what’s possible for healing and celebrating life as one people. I believe deeply in the strength and resilience of the human spirit, and I intend to share more about that through the strength and resilience of my own spirit to work through self-limiting beliefs that hold me back.

It starts now.

Thanks for listening. :)


Winter Focus


Bringing my Intuition to Work